How to properly store olive oil? Factors accelerating the deterioration process and tips to preserve its quality
Olive oil and extra virgin olive oil are a proven to help your health: learn more about the most suitable packings to store your oil and which elements might affect its quality.
Over time olive oil ages: it starts losing its health benefits, while its taste and organoleptic characteristics start to deteriorate.
Therefore, it is important to check the expiration date.
However it is worth to be noted that olive oil is not a perishable product, hence it does not expire. In fact producers are required to print on the label the pull date (day, month, year) that reports when the oil was bottled.
The pull date shows the timeframe within which the oil holds all its chemical and sensory characteristics.
Most olive oils have 18-month life shelf during which they maintain all their benefits and properties.
Antioxidants help to delay the deterioration process, however after the date shown on the label, it is preferable to consume your olive oil as it might start to get rancid and lose its organoleptic characteristics.
Until 2016 producers were required to indicate on the label the 18-month shelf-life limit . In 2016 with the implementation of the European law, each producer can freely set the most suitable expiration date according to the peculiar characteristics of their oil.

Too high or too low temperature
Heat is another factor affecting the quality of olive oil.
It is important to ensure that the olive oil is away from any heat source, such as lamps, stove and oven, or direct sunlight.
However it does not need to be put in cold storage as it will solidify. That is why it is not recommended to refrigerate it or, in winter when it is too cold outside, store it outside the cupboard at room temperature.
The storage temperature for EVO oil is between 10° and 24° C degrees, but the ideal temperature is between 12° and 18°C degrees.
The exposure to light will affect its quality as it alters the chemical composition, causing oxidation, hence rancidity.
Before being stored in your pantry, olive oil is exposed to diffused and artificial, direct or indirect light throughout the process, from the moment it is bottled until it is displayed on the shelves in your favourite supermarket.
That is why it is important to use the adequate packaging containers. For example, transparent glass or plastic containers can’t protect oil from the light, while dark green bottles or Tetra Pak® packagings effectively filter out the ultraviolet rays.
Learn more about the properties of our Tetra Pak® packagingCrosslink pagina Innovazione e Sostenibilità
When oil is exposed to oxygen, the oxidation process gets started. That is why it is central to keep the your bottle hermetically sealed, ensure to close the container properly immediately after the use, so that the oil won’t be affected that much by the oxygen.The secret is to store your oil in a container according to the use you usually do: for example, it is better not to use too big bottles, otherwise you would end up keeping half of the empty container opened for too long, hence affecting the quality of the product inside.
5 tips to protect the properties of your olive oil or your EVO oil
- Choose a good quality oil stored in a container that would protect it from light, heat and oxygen, such as dark green glass bottles, Tetra Pak® packaging or tins.
- Store it in a cool and dry storage, possibly dark and away from artificial or natural light, and heat sources, moreover the ideal temperature should be between 10° and 24° C degrees.
- Keep the container hermetically closed to avoid contact with oxygen
- When decanting your olive oil from its original container into a new one, make sure it is clean and there is no residual water inside.
- Don’t waste your olive oil: once opened, it is best to use it within the date shown on the label that indicates from when the product might start lose its properties and characteristics.